Contributions. Attributions. Re-use.

Information for text, photo, audio and video contributor to Our Story, Inc.
All contributions to Our story, Inc. will be available to the general public to re-distribute and re-use their freely, as long as the use is attributed and the same freedom to re-use and re-distribute applies to any derivative works.

Information for re-users

You can re-use content from Our Story, Inc. freely, with the following exceptions below:

Re-use of text

Attribution: To re-distribute a text page in any form, provide credit to the authors either by including a) a hyperlink (where possible) or URL to the page or pages you are re-using, b) a hyperlink (where possible) or URL to an alternative, stable online copy which is freely accessible, which conforms with the license, and which provides credit to the authors in a manner equivalent to the credit given on this website, or c) a list of all authors. (Any list of authors may be filtered to exclude very small or irrelevant contributions.) This applies to text developed by Our Story, Inc. Text from external sources may attach additional attribution requirements to the work, which we will strive to indicate clearly to you. For example, a page may have a link or other notation indicating that some or all of its content was originally published somewhere else. Where such notations are visible in the page itself, they should generally be preserved by re-users.

Indicate changes: If you make modifications or additions, you must indicate in a reasonable fashion that the original work has been modified.

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