As a dedicated public servant to this nation, Ramon Barboza served in law enforcement for twenty five years with the Reno Police Department in Nevada and is currently retired from the rank of Sergeant. During his tenure, Ramon trained numerous police agencies and community organizations throughout the country and he is considered as a highly regarded expert in the field of Community Policing and Problem Solving, Leadership and Diversity.
As and independent consultant for some of the worlds foremost authorities on Leadership and Diversity practices, Guardian Quest, Satori and Franklin-Covey, Ramon has delivered instruction to many Fortune 500 companies and governmental organizations.
In this capacity, Ramon is noted as informed and knowledgeable with the ability to provide passionate professional keynote speaker and training delivery to youth and adults alike.
Ramon delights in moving and captivating audiences towards reaching their highest human potential. It matters not our challenges. What matters is our deepest level of commitment and desire to make oneself, someone or some things better. The bottom line, WE MATTER! And the greatest part of this is that WE get to choose.
The phrase, “The Power of One Can Equal Many” daily influences the personal and professional life of Ramon. As a child who grew up with many challenges, he recognizes that his success can be attributed to just a few individuals that gave much of themselves so that one day he could give back. Today and always is that day!
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