In his own words, he “had a hankering to roam” when he was 15 years old. Black, broke and young, he left home in Denver to travel and work in Wyoming, Idaho, Nebraska and Colorado.
In March 1921 he was in Elko, Nevada looking for a job. For almost fifty years he worked, off and on, for area ranches. Some of them were the big ones in the heyday of the cattle business in Northern Nevada: Spanish Ranch, Fred Gorham’s Double Square, Abel and Certner and John G. Taylor’s outfits. He did an excellent job and made friends wherever he worked.
His story is not a narrative of a Black, but is an account of the West’s famed Buckaroo. Not the fabled cowboy who drew his six gun with lightning speed, but the honest-to-goodness rawhider who spent long muscle-bruising days in a hard saddle and got his guts mixed up every morning before his horse would settle down for a day’s work.
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