From extensive and varied experiences in education, health and professional theatre, Irene derives her narration style. She holds advance degrees from Columbia University in New York City and is an intense storyteller, essayist, poet and artist.
The author resides in Reno, Nevada. From here she continues to write and perform with an accomplished composer/pianist, Phyllis Peacock, who provides musical background for her storytelling and poetry readings. “PPPP” – Poems by Pomeroy with Peacock on Piano, offers a unique ‘parlor-type’ entertainment musically arranged Poetry Readings and Intermezzo’s that are thought-provoking and fun.
Irene is a 2005 nominee for Poet Laureate for the State of Nevada and has performed on New York stages and appeared in concert tours throughout the U.S.A. As a long time member of the Nevada Poetry society, she produces poetry on a continuous basis. The Victorian Fancies and Tea Society publishes her poems quarterly in its newsletter. Her poems are read for audiences of all ages in churches, private gatherings, schools and memorial services.
A gifted Poetry and Life Experience writer, her works include poems expressing love, humor, pathos, nostalgia and political satire. The iUniverse Publishing Company has published her latest book of poetry entitled, Poetically Speaking – 100 or So Poems. A recent, intriguing novel, Street Song, is now available as well. Both publications can be purchased by calling 1 800-authors or by visiting . Contact information: 775 852-0919 or .
Irene Pomerouy passed away in the summer of 2010 and will be missed.
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